Discover Our January Newsletter!
- Happy New Year: A warm greeting and inquiry about New Year’s resolutions.
- Birthday Celebrations: Residents will receive birthday cakes (with imitation cakes for safety) to blow out candles. Staff will assist with cards and gifts for loved ones.
- January Facts:
- Coldest month in the Northern Hemisphere, warmest in the Southern Hemisphere.
- January Birthstone: Garnet.
- January Birth Flower: Carnation.
- Named after the Roman god Janus, who had two faces.
- Historical names: “Wulfmonath” (Anglo-Saxons) and “Wintermanoth” (Charlemagne).
- January Activities:
- Jordan Exercise: Jan 9 & 23 (11:30am-12:30pm).
- Sue Hackett: Jan 10 (2:00-3:00pm).
- Animal HQ: Jan 15 (2:00-4:00pm).
- Isabelle & Bob: Jan 27 (2:00-3:00pm).
- Music with Paul: Jan 28 (2:00-3:00pm).
- Louise Saxophone: Jan 30 (2:00-3:00pm).
- Staff training: Jan 24 (9:15am-2:30pm).
- Inside News:
- Thanks for donations to the Christmas Hamper and raffle, which raised over £200 for residents’ activities fund.
- National Mentoring Month activities.
- New Staff Member: Welcome Nadeeka as a healthcare assistant.
- Staff Birthdays: Angela (4th), Kev (15th), Daniela (17th), Cristian (24th), Leonora (27th), Dolly (28th, Happy 18th!).
- Fun Facts:
- Brain freeze’s scientific term is “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.”
- Interesting trivia about Canada, Hershey’s Kisses, and Princess Peach.
- Puzzle Section: Includes puzzles such as “Where’s Wally?”.
Download the PDF here to explore all the details and this month’s updates!